Ministry Teams



Out of genuine love for Christ and for others, our purpose is to develop a strong program of evangelism and outreach to members of our congregation, as well as non-members. Our emphasis will be to creatively invite, welcome and help people become active in the life of this congregation.


Men’s Group

All the men who are members of Eagle Lake Lutheran Church are automatically members of this group. Our mission is to offer men the opportunity to become involved in fellowship, service, and Christian growth.


Adult Learning

Our purpose is to provide a continuing program of Christian education, faith enrichment and community awareness for our adult population in this parish. This will include: scheduling different speakers and topics for our Sunday morning forums; taking suggestions and helping to plan for special speaker events, workshops and retreats; and planning a faith enriching, year-round program of bible studies and round-table discussions on issues of faith and life.



This committee is responsible for the maintenance, repair, and improvement of the Eagle Lake Lutheran Church building and grounds.

VBS - In the belly of the whale

Education and Youth Learning

Our purpose is to provide a foundational program of Christian education, faith enrichment and mission awareness for the children and youth of this parish. This will include the important tasks of helping them become familiar with the bible, gain an understanding of Christian beliefs and our Lutheran heritage, and see the connections between bible teachings and their life.


Mission Endowment

  • Encourage gifts through promotion and education about the fund

  • Receive and celebrate gifts given for ministry through the fund

  • Determine how the fund assets will be invested

  • Accept undesignated gifts

  • Respond to congregational requests for special needs

  • Provide annual distributions beyond the operating budget


The purpose of the Sustaining Youth Fund [Scholarship] is to enhance and encourage the youth of the congregation to seek further education and training after completion of high school to develop useful and productive skills and careers in various vocations, all dedicated to service to God and other fellow Christians.


Global Ministries

  • ELCA World Hunger Program

  • Educate the Congregation on the needs of this organization.

  • Provide opportunities to support this ministry financially, or through other actions.

  • Consider the needs of our community and identify ways to reach out, share our resources, and meet specific needs.

  • Study and discuss ELCA Social Statements and other justice issues for our society.

  • Provide opportunities for members of the congregation to participate in relief/service projects.

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The goal of our Stewardship Committee is to encourage all members of this congregation to share in the joy of giving. We work to help God’s people grow in their relationship to Jesus Christ by giving them opportunities to share their time, talent and treasures in service to others. This committee ensures that stewardship remains a priority throughout the year by writing monthly articles for the Spirit, addressing the congregation with temple talks or presenting at the adult forum, and planning and conducting a yearly stewardship campaign. We do not see our responsibility as one that requires us to “raise money to pay the bills” but rather as one that provides all members of this congregation the joyful opportunity to “be a blessing to the Lord” by serving others through the use of the time, talent and finances God has entrusted to each of us.

Mutual Ministry

Support and encourage the pastor in every way possible for Eagle Lake Lutheran Church. This support includes providing affirmation, cheerleading, honest feedback, constructive criticism, a safe setting to process challenges and sharing of ideas and information.

Seek to recognize and honor the gifts, skills and interests of the pastor as well as the needs of the congregation and its mission.

Assist the pastor in getting to know the congregation in terms of people, leaders, needs, hopes and aspirations, traditions, expectations, possibilities, challenges, strengths and assets.

Assist and encourage the pastor in developing a good leadership partnership with the church council and other leaders in the congregation.

Act as a safe sounding board for brainstorming and consideration of ideas, initiatives and approaches being considered or needing to be addresses by the pastor.

Work with the pastor in setting and evaluating goals for their ministry.

Support pastor in their self-care, continuing education and spiritual formation.



This committee is responsible for providing input to the pastor regarding liturgies, special music and the scheduling of special services such as those during Lent, Easter and Christmas. The committee’s main task is to ensure that each worship service is meaningful and accessible to all members and guests. Scheduling greeters, ushers, readers and organists is another duty. Communion preparation, flowers for the altar and changing of paraments fall under this committee but are done quite independently by a dedicated group of volunteers. The Worship Committee led the effort to secure the pipe organ for the sanctuary, and in the future may seek to add additional pipes to provide more versatility to the instrument. We also schedule tuning of pianos and organ. The committee presently consists of the pastor, three organists, choir director, a member of our Praise Team and three additional members.



All women become members of WELCA once they join Eagle Lake Lutheran Church. The WELCA members are divided into three circles (or work groups) that are called to participate in various functions, i.e., serving at funerals, weddings, WELCA meetings, various potlucks, Sunday Fellowships, etc., as requested. There are also two Bible Study Groups that meet monthly. Check the monthly calendar for time and place.